يقصد بالبورصة المعرفية أو تبادل المعرفة بشكلٍ عام اتباع منهج منتظم لتبادل المعرفة الضمنية -...
Knowledge Human Resources Economy
In the industrial age, mass production was mental, and its products were in large quantities,...
اقتصاد الموارد البشرية المعرفي
ساد في العصر الصناعي عقلية الإنتاج الجماهيري، وكانت منتجاتها بكميات كبيرة وذات مواصفات موحدة المقاييس،...
دبي.. عاصمة الـ«بلوك تشين»
في ظل العصر الرقمي الذي ينمو بوتيرة متسارعة، نشهد بين الحين والآخر حلولاً تكنولوجية مبتكرة...
Looking Ahead to Graphene’s Future
In conjunction with the fourth economic revolution based on knowledge, there have been many exciting...
Cognitive Mining
The widespread use of technology applications, artificial intelligence and aggressive trends towards the knowledge economy...
Knowledge Governance
Before talking about knowledge governance, which this article addresses, it should be noted that any...
Augmented Reality and the Knowledge Economy
In forecasting the trajectory of the knowledge economy, augmented reality (AR) technology emerges as a...
“Big Data” and the Knowledge Economy
In preceding articles, I elucidated the pivotal features and manifestations of the knowledge economy, aligning...
Economy in the Age of the Knowledge Economy
This era is called the Age of Knowledge, and this was the result of the...