Technological Literacy!
Some recent literature on economics, in the search for the feasibility of literacy by reaching a family-educated person, distinguishes between “nearby illiterates” and “isolated illiteracy”. The first refers to an illiterate person living in a family with writers, and the latter to a person living in a family of all illiterate people.
The Foundations of Building Knowledge Systems
Many thinkers and philosophers have long spoken of the importance of science and the power of knowledge in the transformations that humanity has undergone in its crucial stages of transition.
Cognitive Awareness Industry
The consciousness industry is a term invented by the author and theory author Hans Magnus Enzensberger, and it defines the mechanisms by which the human mind is reproduced as a social product.
Digital Museum
The Digital Museum is defined as a platform where museums large and small publish information about their purposes. According to the International Council of Museums, the Digital Museum is a permanent institution in the service and development of society, open to the public, acquiring, preserving, researching, communicating, and presenting the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for education and study purposes.
Judicial Intelligence
If there is a key component of any human civilization, that component is the system of legislation and laws that regulate the movement and conduct of society and manage the continuity and growth of life there.
Cognitive Education
In all my previous articles, I have talked about the global shift towards the knowledge economy, which is intended to be a major resource for economic development based on education, the availability of technology and digital innovations, and the increasing value added to knowledge and informational goods, whose development depends on information accumulations, computers and various communication networks, and is also intended to produce, disseminate, employ, participate and use knowledge in order to improve the quality of life by benefiting from valuable information service and technological applications.