Artificial Intelligence and The Future of Human Beings.

Artificial Intelligence and The Future of Human Beings.

Manahel Thabet
Manahel Thabet

The profound significance of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications became evident in the United States towards the end of 2016. A dedicated conference at the White House focused on the future of AI applications, underscoring its importance. While discussions primarily centered on the technical aspects, the broader implications for humanity in the era of AI remained vaguely addressed.

Before delving into AI applications, it is essential to acknowledge the ongoing civilization renaissance and scientific breakthroughs that have unfolded since the early 20th century. Over nearly a century, new sciences have emerged, including management science, financial engineering, human development science, and, in the last two decades, the spotlight has been on AI as a transformative force that could reshape the destiny of humankind.

AI applications trace their roots back to a new approach in building intelligent machines, influenced by discoveries in neuroscience and the advent of digital computers capable of simulating human computational thinking. The modern field of AI research officially began in 1956 at a conference on the Dartmouth College campus, featuring luminaries such as Marvin Minsky, Herbert Simon, John McCarthy, and Allen Noel.

The early 1980s witnessed a renewed interest in AI research, particularly with the commercial success of expert systems—AI programs mimicking analytical skills and knowledge of human experts. Subsequently, the 1990s and early 21st century saw significant achievements in AI applications across data mining, logistics, technology, and medical diagnosis.

Defined as a branch of computer science, AI encompasses software characteristics that emulate human mental abilities and working patterns. This includes the ability to conclude, learn, and react to unprogrammed situations within the machine. AI is employed in diverse areas such as expert systems, medical diagnostics, internet search engines, natural language processing, video games, stock trading, law, image analysis, scientific discoveries, automated control, and voice recognition.

AI applications originated from unique job patterns in computer applications, wherein simulation programmers modeled the thinking patterns of distinguished human minds. From chess to football, these applications successfully replicated the thinking patterns of renowned players, challenging individuals via computerized simulations.

However, as AI applications advance, they pose a potential threat to human employment. Machines programmed with AI capabilities can perform human functions without the complications or costs associated with human workers. This raises concerns about job displacement and the impact on traditional workforces.

What is particularly disconcerting is the future of humans amidst this AI breakthrough. The substitution of human labor with machines raises questions about the kind of work that humans will engage in. In Arab countries, educational materials in schools and universities often lag behind the rapid developments in AI applications, hindering adaptation to evolving technological landscapes.

As AI applications continue to evolve, unprecedented functional patterns are emerging in areas such as industrial psychology, genetics analysis, big data analytics, and solar or cosmic radiation monitoring. The labor market is set to witness a new form of competition driven by these unconventional functional patterns.

The complexity of AI applications has reached a point where even advanced programmers struggle to fully comprehend their capabilities. This contrasts with historical inventors who had a clear understanding of the workings of their inventions. As AI continues to progress, a critical need emerges for a paradigm shift in education and economics to prepare future generations for the challenges and opportunities presented by AI applications.

It is imperative to adopt effective economic strategies that foster education and innovation, positioning ourselves to contribute to the global knowledge economy. Whether in the manufacturing and development of AI applications tailored to our cultures or in fostering innovation and creativity, our proactive approach can make our products globally competitive, less vulnerable to future changes, and ensure our relevance in the evolving world.

And to talk the rest.

Author : Manahel Thabet

Al Bayan Newspaper

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