Blockchain and Medical Security

Blockchain and Medical Security

When discussing blockchain technology, people’s thoughts often go to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, this revolutionary technology has much broader and deeper applications beyond electronic currency. The various applications of blockchain include, but are not limited to, supply chain management, smart contracts, proof of ownership and identity, electronic voting, and intellectual property protection, indicating its immense potential to revolutionize multiple sectors.

There are increasingly positive expectations regarding the blockchain market in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Communications and Information Technology Commission has predicted rapid growth in the local blockchain market from now until 2025. This anticipated growth reflects the significant interest and increasing investments in this technology, highlighting its importance and potential impact across various sectors in the Kingdom, and globally.

In the medical security sector, blockchain emerges as a key cornerstone in enhancing efficiency, transparency, and security. Genomic research is one of the critical areas where blockchain can play a significant role. This technology enables the secure handling of genetic data and facilitates its exchange between laboratories and researchers without the risk of unauthorized access or information tampering, as mentioned in “Nature Reviews Genetics.” This allows for the conduct of research aimed at developing personalized treatments based on individuals’ genetic profiles while maintaining data privacy and security.

Additionally, blockchain contributes to tracking medications from production to consumption, ensuring the reduction of counterfeit products and enhancing the quality of healthcare provided. This technology offers a reliable and immutable mechanism to track every step in the pharmaceutical supply chain, safeguarding patients and protecting manufacturers’ rights.

Moreover, blockchain can bring about a radical transformation in the way health insurance is organized. This technology can simplify insurance procedures, reduce the need for intermediaries, and help lower operational costs. Blockchain also enhances transparency and fairness in medical claims and reduces the chances of fraud, thereby improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire healthcare system.

In light of these multiple and significant uses, it is advisable for health researchers to take a more serious look at blockchain applications. Focusing on investing in this technology to improve medical security and health systems could lead to an informational revolution that aids in achieving breakthroughs in medical care. Adopting blockchain technology is also a strategic move to improve the quality of health services, protect patient data, and achieve the highest levels of security in exchanging vital information.

To achieve this, and to develop blockchain platforms specifically designed to meet the precise needs of the medical sector, these platforms must be capable of securely and efficiently handling large and complex datasets. Furthermore, health and governmental authorities should collaborate with technology experts to create a regulated framework that supports the use of blockchain in healthcare without compromising medical ethics or patient privacy.

The adoption of blockchain technology in health systems also requires continuous training and education for medical professionals and administrators on the uses and benefits of this technology. It is crucial to invest in research and development to explore the best ways to integrate blockchain into daily medical practices to improve the efficiency of health services.

The progress in blockchain technology remains a promising means to enhance medical security and transparency in health systems. It is essential to explore innovative ways to utilize this technology to improve healthcare and protect patients’ personal data.

Investing in blockchain technology is not just an investment in improving health systems; it is also a step towards a safer and more efficient future in managing medical services. And the conversation continues.

Author : Manahel Thabet
Published May 22, 2024
Al Bayan Newspaper

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Manahel Thabet Ph.D. – President participated in the first Economic Leadership Workshop
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