Dr. Manahel Thabet, a renowned scientist, has been appointed as the Commonwealth Secretary-General's Special Envoy...
Dr. Manahel Thabet Meets King Charles III During Women Leaders in Climate Change Event
Dr. Manahel Thabet recently had the extraordinary honor of meeting His Majesty King Charles III...
Dr. Manahel Thabet’s visit to The Garage – A Premier Hub for Deep Tech Innovation in Riyadh
Dr. Manahel Thabet recently visited The Garage, a premier incubator and accelerator based in Riyadh,...
Dr. Manahel Thabet Honored as Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Fuellers in Ceremony with HRH The Duke of Edinburgh
Dr. Manahel Thabet was recently honored with the title of Freeman of the Worshipful Company...
مناهل ثابت|اقتصاد الحياة
عندما أدرك العالم أن جائحة «كورونا» لم تكن مجرد أزمة عابرة، وأنها ذات تأثير عميق...