Dr. Manahel Thabet Honored as Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Fuellers in Ceremony with HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

Dr. Manahel Thabet Honored as Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Fuellers in Ceremony with HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

Dr. Manahel Thabet was recently honored with the title of Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Fuellers, a prestigious recognition in the field. The ceremony took place in the esteemed presence of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, who previously served as Past Master Fueller.

The Worshipful Company of Fuellers, one of the ancient livery companies of the City of London, plays a significant role in the fuel industry, promoting excellence and professional standards. The title of Freeman is a mark of distinction that acknowledges outstanding contributions and achievements in the field.

Dr. Thabet’s admission as a Freeman reflects her significant impact and commitment to the energy sector. This accolade not only highlights her achievements but also underscores her role in advancing fuel technologies and fostering innovation within the industry.

The event, marked by its ceremonial grandeur and historical significance, celebrated Dr. Thabet’s exceptional career and contributions. Her recognition by such a venerable institution underscores her status as a leading figure in her field and reinforces her ongoing dedication to driving progress and excellence in energy technologies.

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