The Governance of 21st Century Transformations

The Governance of 21st Century Transformations

The Corona pandemic was the yeast acting on the dough of human transformation towards technology, and instead of talking about the transformation in the last decades of the twenty-first century, the talk, in the same context, deals with the next few decades of this century as indulging in the experience of transformation altogether, which is imminent, and just around the corner from the inclusiveness of all walks of life, and its trends.

Everything we find now will be reformulated, starting with the forms of social, economic, educational, cultural and media dealings, within all areas of human life and trends; and if the current situation has forced people to withdraw from the paths of social life, this withdrawal forces them to start to be more open, through other tools, the tools of technology.

If traditional markets have geographical boundaries that are not easily exceeded by man, the transformation caused by the pandemic, first now and without time, has forced an indulgence in a new experience of its markets, with a geographical dimension, i.e., success in this experiment now represents a global success in one way or another; competition has gone beyond the boundaries of the place we have traditionally been used to, and has become limitless; if not, the fundamental difference that characterizes the traditional domestic level from the new alternative, which is characterized by the structure of the framework, lies in the existence of regulations that are universal, in one form or another. Everyone is included in the opportunities they have under these regulations; they have rights guaranteed to them, and they have duties to abide by them. If the new transformations had imposed regulations on people that committed them to duties, and they had no guaranteed rights of any kind, all of this would not have happened without the presence of governance, which frames the details of this experience, and indulges in it.

The new transformations require alternative resources for States. If, by experience, people are going to have to do business in all their forms remotely, States should look at the mechanism of exempting businesses from their license to do business, if they are abandoned from their traditional business premises, and, instead of continuing to drain public and private sector infrastructure, for example, the business accelerator and incubator sector can be instigated, and their roles activated by the organizing and supervising of governments, as another example, to contain small and medium-sized enterprises, such as business centers and business-to-business centers, like business centers in free zones, with a work permit that can be granted from home.

The countries of Europe have taken notice of this and activated it to be with the people in the face of the pandemic, and its aftermath, rather than with the pandemic and against the people. The same applies to labor taxes within each company – income taxes and so on. Governments must review them in accordance with the transition situation, because without this new framework, and the rewriting of the system of laws for new transformations, the economy will perish, and it will lose all its sectors, without exception.

The image that describes the scene of the new transformations is one of a Surrealist painting in which we may feel amazing creativity, but no one can understand it, or claim it, and there is no choice but to frame this painting to obtain meaning, that is, in the realistic sense, that we symbolize it, its governance and the development of appropriate laws, guaranteeing all rights, and at the same time, obliging everyone to do their duties, yet without the feeling that everyone now feels “lost”.

We may think there is chaos, yes, but it is a creative chaos, which forces us to radically change our lifestyles and our ways of living, whether economic or social, and we could be very satisfied with it if it were governed, because governance means determining a destiny, a destiny of life, not a fate of death, a success, not a fate of failure and loss.

The leaders of the economic and social engines, the pillars of all societies in the future, who can be bet upon from this moment on, are undoubtedly the “alpha generation”. This generation does not believe in borders, whether cognitive, socio-cultural, or economic.

If framing is a principle of governance, the question now is: how will we frame the next governance? And to talk the rest.

Author : Manahel Thabet
Published October 30, 2020
Al Bayan Newspaper

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Manahel Thabet Ph.D. – President participated in the first Economic Leadership Workshop
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