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Prof. Manahel Thabet

Cognitive Education

In all my previous articles, I have talked about the global shift towards the knowledge economy, which is intended to be a major resource for economic development based on education, the availability of technology and digital innovations, and the increasing value added to knowledge and informational goods, whose development depends on information accumulations, computers and various communication networks, and is also intended to produce, disseminate, employ, participate and use knowledge in order to improve the quality of life by benefiting from valuable information service and technological applications.

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Cognitive Load

Old traditional educational systems were a heavy burden on human absorption and limited their creativity and innovation in various fields, relying mostly on patriarchal indoctrination, which tended to be well understood, creating a significant gap between absorption and production, so that translations of knowledge were always faced with the problem of cognitive loads, as cognitive deficiencies often allowed no more than the transmission of linguistically translated text, i.e., without its cognitive load.

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Teaching Robots

After the technological revolution brought about by trends towards the Knowledge Economy, the utmost importance emerges in guiding applications of artificial intelligence, where human sovereignty over this universe is linked to its mental superiority over all beings;

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Looking Ahead to Graphene’s Future

In conjunction with the fourth economic revolution based on knowledge, there have been many exciting developments in materials science, perhaps the most prominent of which involves both the excitement and enthusiasm for graphene. This material is pure carbon in the form of a single sheet of one atom thickness.

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Cognitive Mining

The widespread use of technology applications, artificial intelligence and aggressive trends towards the knowledge economy in general have led to the creation of large-scale data repositories, and these large data repositories will make a significant contribution to future decision-making, as appropriate knowledge detection mechanisms are applied to extract hidden information from such data, which can be invaluable for finding useful hidden patterns and trends and producing new observations on data.

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Knowledge Governance

Before talking about knowledge governance, which this article addresses, it should be noted that any transformation and transition must, from scratch, be surrounded by many difficulties and randomness, and this statement applies to the transition from the previous capitalist economic systems to a knowledge-based economy. Between this transformation, with economic changes and new interactions, many institutions have experienced a great deal of capital fluctuation, resulting in mismanagement and widespread corruption due to misperceptions and, consequently, economic collapses in major international businesses, including a lack of transparency in all matters relating to financial lists and accounting procedures.

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