Woman Empowerment
Dr. Manahel Thabet
Dr. Manahel Thabet suffered from autism in her childhood. Until the age of 5, Dr. Manahel Thabet was described as inarticulate because she was silent most of her time. “Genius is born from the womb of suffering and pain”. Dr. Manahel Thabet conquered all the difficulties in her path. She entered enrichment programs and academic acceleration programs, graduated from high school at fifteen, and entered the university. Dr. Manahel Thabet studied Economics and obtained two doctorates. She is the first woman to enter the encyclopedia of Geniuses.

Professional Life
Dr. Manahel Thabet is the Founder and President of Consortium Consultancy, a premier provider for tools and techniques to grow businesses globally. Dr. Manahel Thabet is the president of the Economic Forum for Sustainable Development – UK. President of the world’s IQ Foundation, Vice President of the World Intelligent Network (WIN), Deputy Director of the Institute of Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition of Imperial College, and Vice-Chancellor of the UK Gifted Academy. A talented leader who wears many hats, Dr. Manahel Thabet is a successful leader in numerous organizations that connect science, knowledge, and business globally. Dr. Manahel Thabet founded and led the first of its kind in the Middle East Mind Ability Enhancement Centre called “Think Hub.”

Dr. Manahel Thabet is the only Arab woman to enter the discipline of quantum theories. She also received global recognition for being the youngest student in the world to obtain two doctorate degrees with distinction in rare scientific fields such as Financial Engineering and Quantitative Mathematics. Dr. Manahel Thabet was awarded the title of world genius for the year 2013. Dr. Manahel Thabet succeeded in surpassing the intelligence scale that only 0.1 percent of people obtain in the world, with an IQ of 168, which qualified her well to be the first Arab to chair the Association of high IQ and the President of the International Association for Rare Intelligence.
Dr. Manahel Thabet is also the youngest “Woman of the Year 2000” by the “Women’s Federation for World Peace .”In December 2010, Dr. Manahel Thabet was awarded the title of Arab Inspirational Woman by L’Officiel magazine at a ceremony in Dubai to recognize the Inspirational Young Arab Woman in particular and women in general.
Dr. Manahel Thabet believes in the role of work, diligence, and education in improving the status of Arab women and in the latter’s ability to achieve the impossible. She says, “To global and historical levels, and there are several examples of Arab women to whom I stand in respect for what they have achieved in all fields .”Dr. Manahel Thabet has proven to the world that women’s capabilities should not be underestimated and that they can assert their existence with dignity and achieve excellence and success in all disciplines and fields, even in the most complex scientific disciplines.
Dr. Manahel Thabet is a beacon for girls whose education is often compromised by social circumstances. She says, “There is so much prejudice in the world against female education and intelligence”. Dr. Manahel Thabet’s position in the top thirty most intelligent people alive is a valuable counterforce to such arguments.
Dr. Manahel Thabet’s achievements act as a lighthouse for the young and especially for young girls who wish to pursue their education. She inspires them with her diverse academic achievements.